And I'm noticing a pattern with you also, your excessive ignorance and idiocy that I'm always fending off.
i'm not an r-tard...
south park references aside:
i'm just being difficult about your reasons for calling builds bad. they're not bad cus rangers should be interrupting, they're bad because they suck when comparing them to other builds designed for a similar purpose. ur system might work in most cases, like newton-ish fisics, but to be completely accurate in all situations you'd have to use more cool stuff like kwantum fisiks and e=mc^2 and such. basically what i'm saying is that rangers are like atoms: you can look at them and say "hey, that ranger is very small; i cannot even see it" or you can look at them and say "hey, that atom is running a very bad build, but not because that atom should be running a different build. the current build is simply bad on its own merits. maybe if that atom wasn't so bad at guild wars we wouldn't have evil things like hydrogen bombs and black holes in the world"